Spring APS Classic at Manfeild
Saturday 18 - Sunday 19 October 2025
Upon arrival, bring your competition licence, with club membership card and helmet to sign on.
Proceed to machine examination, which will be from 7.30am to 8.30am as detailed below in the supplementary regulations.
NZCMRR Rules can be viewed on the NZCMRR website http://www.nzcmrr.com/events/rules. MNZ P82, P89 & P95 classes are as defined in the MNZ Rulebook Chapter 17 Road Racing Post Classic.
Classes are as follows, but not necessarily in this order:
- Vintage & Pre War - Pre '31, Pre '46 350, Pre '46 500
- 0-250cc - Pre '63 250 Clubmans, Pre '63 250 Factory Racing, Pre '63 250 Modified, Classic 70's 250
- 251-350cc - Pre '63 350 Clubmans, Pre '63 350 Factory Racing, Pre '63 350 Modified, Classic 70's 350
- 351-500cc - Pre '63 500 Clubmans, Pre '63 500 Factory Racing, Pre '63 500 Modified, Classic 70's 500
- 501cc-Open - Pre '63 Open Modified, Classic 70's Open
- Sidecars - Pre '63, Classic 70's, Pre '82
- Post Classic - P82 Junior, P89 F3. Pre '95 P95 F3
- Post Classsic - 989F2 & P95F2
- Post Classic - P82 Senior, P89 F1, P95 Superbike, P95 F1
- Regularity
Note: Some classes may be combined depending on entry numbers in each class.